Once in a while, you get to be a part of something amazing, and it's even more awesome when you get to share that amazing feeling...
September 5th, 2012, marked a historic day in Rotman's history, with the opening of the brand new building, and it would be an understatement to say that I was excited! I was so excited about Rotman's new building that I furiously bid for the opportunity to get a tour of the New Building waaay before its opening (early 2012), and get a sneak peek at all the awesomeness that awaited us. It was quite amusing to stomp around the new building in construction boots and a hard hat, and it got me even more excited for the day when we would finally walk these halls. It was reminiscent of my anticipation at walking into Rotman's building for the very first time.
I love Rotman, and everything about it. And I love sharing my passion and energy for the school with everybody I meet. So it was no surprise when I extended my Rotman Ambassador role into being a Tour Guide at Rotman's New Building Opening, and it was so exciting to take new visitors through that same experience, starting from the historical North Building (affectionately referred to as NOBU by Rotmanites), into the brand new South Building (SOBU), taking them up that pink staircase (the pink was taken from the Rotman magazine 'Einstein' issue cover on 'Thinking About Thinking'), through its fancy new classrooms with the perforated city backdrops, through its study rooms & student lounges, through its majestic glass-walled event hall overlooking Robarts & the historic PhD House, the pep of zesty green with Rotman DesignWorks, on to its outdoor terrace & green roof by the Desautels Centre for Integrative Thinking, the invigoratingoutdoor terrace & green roof by the Business Information Center, and the glass-walled courtyard by the Martin Prosperity Institute.
It was an awesome opportunity to be a part of this incredible moment in Rotman's history, and see business visionaries such as Dr. Marcel Desautels (he's also a talented tenor!) and Joseph & Sandra Rotman (Yes, the very same Rotman after whom our school is named! They were awesomely wonderful people to speak with!). It made you proud to be a part of this new wave of transforming business education, and reaffirmed my decision to come to Rotman to learn creative, integrative new ways of solving tomorrow's challenges today!